
Tasting Plates Food Tours offers self-guided roving tours through an area of the city that brings guests to the participating restaurants, cafes & food trucks, throughout the evening and they walk, bike, transit, drive or car pool around the area to the various participating restaurants. We offer various themed and neighbourhood tours throughout Canada and the USA. We also offer private corporate food tours for companies as well as organizations for team building.

Foodies get to experience some of the newest and tastiest offerings, eating new dishes, visiting new restaurants, meeting the chefs and making new friends along the way.

Participating restaurants offer tasting plates of their food to the guests, thereby showcasing their restaurant and promoting their food and chefs.

Tasting Plates is a chance for people to try something different, foods from restaurants, food trucks, cafés and bakeries.

Founded by Richard Wolak who also created Vancouver Foodster and Taste and Sip Magazine Events are produced by CMI Chat Media Inc which is also the parent company of Tasting Plates Vancouver.

Follow along on social media, on instagram @TastingPlatesYVR #TastingPlatesYVR @Vanfoodster #Vanfoodster